CKFM lineups

The following are directly from the files of Bill Dulmage, except where noted. They were originally carried in this format at

Joe Van Poppel, Nathan Cohen, Jack Dennett did the evening "News In Depth"


Carl Banas joins

Carl Banas. Fred Napoli joined December 3 for Overnights, replacing Wayne Van Exan who moved to CFRB. Fred had come from CHML Hamilton.

Carl Banas

Russ Thompson joins, Carl Banas. Fred Napoli left in 1965.

Carl Banas, Russ Thompson

Stu Daly (6-10am), Carl Banas, Russ Thompson 

Stu Daly (6-10am), Carl Banas (Evenings), Russ Thompson, Fred Napoli (Overnight - Music Til Dawn) re-joined in 1967 or 1968.

Stu Daly (6-10am), Carl Banas (8pm-midnight), Peter Keigh, Sandy Hoyt joins and replaces Daly in AM Drive. Russ Thompson. Fred Napoli (Overnights).

Carl Banas (Evenings), Russ Thompson. Fred Napoli (Overnights)
Carl Banas (Evenings), Russ Thompson. Fred Napoli (Overnights)

Carl Banas (Evenings), Russ Thompson. Fred Napoli (Overnights)
Carl Banas (Evenings), Russ Thompson. Fred Napoli (Overnights)

Peggy Graham was hired as Fred Napoli's operator, with the idea of training her on the job to handle weather forecasts and a few intros. She soon became a fill-in host for Fred when he was sick or on vacation. She eventually took over the overnight show under Fred's direction.

Carl Banas (evenings), Russ Thompson, Dave Agar (News), Fred Napoli (Overnights), Peggy Graham

Carl Banas (evenings), Russ Thompson, Dave Agar (News), Fred Napoli (Overnights) left in June. Peggy Graham

Carl Banas (evenings), Russ Thompson, Dave Agar (News), John Campbell (Sports) joined, Peggy Graham

0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Don Cameron
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar
0100 - Hugh Russell
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
0730 - Russ Thompson
0800 - Carl Banas
1200 - Peggy Graham
Weekends - Roger Klein, Henry Shannon, Phil MacKellar 

News - Dave Agar, Ken Day, Wendy Mesley, John Campbell (Sports) 

Traffic - Sean Jones, Mary Monroe

Notes - Monroe left for CTV November 3, replaced by the returning Sean Jones on November 6.
0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Don Cameron
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar
0100 - Hugh Russell
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
0730 - Russ Thompson
0800 - Carl Banas
1200 - Peggy Graham

Weekends / Others - Roger Klein, Jerry 
Bascombe, Phil MacKellar, Henry Shannon, 
Mike Filey (historian)
News - Bill Bright, Ken Day, Peter Coleman, John McFadyen, Gord Whitehead, Dave Agar, Wendy Mesley, Eric Thorsen, Murray Eldon (Sports), John Campbell (Sports)

Traffic - Marlane Oliver, Sean Jones

Entertainment/Commentary - Jeremy Brown

Notes - Eldon joins from CKFH. Hugh Russell's shift extended to 10-3, Cameron moved to Weekends. John Campbell left for CFYN/CHAS Sault Ste. Marie. Fred Napoli returned in October.
AM Drive - Don Daynard
1000 -
1200 - Hour Toronto
0100 - 
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
Evening - Carl Banas
Overnight -
News - Dave Agar - Sports - Murray Eldon, Sean 
Jones (Traffic)

Others - Fred Napoli
AM Drive - Don Daynard
1000 -
1200 - Hour Toronto
0100 - 
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
Evening - Carl Banas
Overnight -
News -

Others - Fred Napoli

Notes - Napoli left in January.
February 1, 1982
AM Drive - Don Daynard
1000 - Jay Nelson
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar & Judy Webb
0100 - Jay Nelson
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
Evening - Carl Banas
Overnight -

Weekends -
News - Gord Whitehead, Dave Agar, Elaine Loring, John McFadyen, Ken Day, Sean Jones (Traffic)

Sports - Glen Gingerige, Murray Eldon

Others - Jeremy Brown (Entertainment & Commentaries), Gene Taylor (AM Drive trivia), Dave Hodge (Sports Commentary)

Notes - Phil MacKellar left.
AM Drive - Don Daynard
1000 - Jay Nelson
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar & Judy Webb
0100 - Jay Nelson
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
Evening - Carl Banas
Overnight -
News - Ken Day, Dave Agar, Julie-Ann (Traffic), Jeremy Brown (Commentary), Morris Keston (Weather), Gord Whitehead, John McFadyen 

Others - Gene Taylor (AM Drive trivia)
0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Jay Nelson 
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar & Judy Webb
0100 - Jay Nelson
0300 - Russ Thompson
0700 - News
0730 - Carl Banas
1200 - Terry Moorehead
Weekends - Don Andrews, Jerry Bascombe, Teri Michael 

News - Gord Whitehead, Ken Day, Judy Webb, Dave Agar, John McFadyen, Bill Bright, Julie-Ann (Traffic), Glen Gingerige (Sports)

Others - Gene Taylor (AM Drive trivia)
0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Russ Thompson
1200 - Hour Toronto - Dave Agar & Judy Webb
0100 - Russ Thompson
0300 - Bill Anderson
0700 - News
0730 - Carl Banas
1200 - Terry Moorehead
Weekends - Steve Jackson, Henry Shannon, Terri Michael, Roger Klein, Don Andrews, P.V. Smith

News - Dave Agar, Pam Kyoti (Traffic)

Notes - Smith joins for Reggae show. Nelson left for CHFI. Anderson joins from CFRB.
0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Russ Thompson
1200 - Hour Toronto - Judy Webb & Dave Agar
0100 - Russ Thompson
0300 - Bill Anderson
0730 - Carl Banas
Overnight -

Weekends / Others - Steve Jackson, Don 
Andrews, John Caras
News - Julie Ann Burgess, Wendy Howard

Sports - Murray Eldon, Glen Gingrich

Others - Glen Anderson (Events), Bonnie Stern (Cooking),  Gene Taylor (AM Drive trivia), Jeremy Brown (Entertainment), Dave Hodge (Sports Commentary)
0530 - Don Daynard
1000 - Russ Thompson
1200 - Hour Toronto
0100 - Russ Thompson
0300 - Bill Anderson 
0700 - News
0730 - Carl Banas
1200 - Terry Moorehead

Weekends / Others - Terry Steele, Don Cameron, 
Dan Williamson, Michael Cuff, Jim Reid, John 
Donabie, Ted Woloshyn, Terri Michael, Dani Elwell
News - John McFadyen, Dave Agar, Bill Bright

Notes - Daynard left in October for CHFI. Thompson, Anderson, Banas, Moorehead, Cameron, Eldon & Bright left for CJEZ. Steele joined briefly, then went to CKEY. McFadyen left for CFRB. Ted Woloshyn joins October 26 for AMD. Donabie joins.
AMD - Ted Woloshyn
1000 - Terri Michael
1200 - Hour Toronto
0100 - Terri Michael
0300 - Dan Williamson
Evening - Reiner Schwartz
1130 - Jim Reid

Weekends - John Donabie, Dani Elwell
News - John Crawford, Andrea Ring

Sports - Pete Millard, Glen Gingerige

Notes - Ring joins from CJEZ, Millard from CFCN. Gingerige left for CKO. Jeremy Brown left for CFRB on October 28. Crawford joins in November. 
AM Drive - Ted Woloshyn
1000 - Terri Michael
1200 - Hour Toronto - Jane Hawtin
0100 - Terri Michael
0300 - Dan Williamson
0700 - Ted Woloshyn & Maureen Holloway
0730 - Lee Marshall
1200 - Jim Reid / Dani Elwell / Reiner Schwartz

Weekends - Shannon Black, John Donabie, 
Bill Hayes 

News - Dave Agar, Avery Haynes, John Crawford, 
Bill McDonald, Bill Hutchins, Mike Stafford, Andrea 
Ring, Rob Salem

Sports - Doug Dirks, Pete Montanna
Entertainment - Maureen Holloway, Carol Alexander 

Traffic - Dianne Pepper, Maureen Holloway, Carol Alexander

Notes - Marshall joined from CKEY in January. Schwartz left in January. In February, Donabie left for CKEY. Hayes joins from CFTR, Dirks from CFGM. Woloshyn left the air in July, replaced by Don Stevens (also PD, will move to another air shift), then Gerry Forbes from CHUM on August 21. Elwell left for CFNY. Marty Forbes (Gerry's brother) joins as PD. He had been PD at CHUM.  
0600 - Gerry Forbes
1000 - Terri Michael
1200 - Hour Toronto - Jane Hawtin & Mike Stafford
0100 - Terri Michael
0300 - Dan Williamson
0700 - Dan Williamson & Maureen Holloway
0730 - Lee Marshall / Lisa Brandt
1100 - Donna Corsano

Weekends - Bill Hayes, Jim Reid

News - Mike Stafford, Jane Hawtin, Avery Haines, 
Dave Agar, John Crawford, Andrea Ring, Alan 
Ericson, Bill Hutchins, Erik Thomas (Sports)
Traffic - Maureen Holloway, Carol Alexander, Dianne Pepper

Entertainment - Maureen Holloway, Carol Alexander 

Commentary - Brian Costello, Ted Woloshyn

Notes -
 Larry Fedoruk joins Forbes in AMD from CFTR in August.
0530 - Gerry Forbes with Larry Fedoruk
1000 - Terri Michael
0300 - Dan Williamson
0630 - Nightline / Entertainment Toronto
0730 - Lee Marshall / Lisa Brandt
1200 - Jim Reid / Paul Wright

Weekends - Matt Storey, Bill Hayes

News -
 Dave Agar, Mike Stafford, Debra Hurst, 
Avery Haines, John Crawford, Alan Ericson, Erik 
Thomas (Sports)

Commentary - Ted Woloshyn, Brian Costello
Traffic - Carol Alexander, Lisa Brandt, Maureen Holloway, Cathy McCutcheon

Entertainment - Carol Alexander, Maureen Holloway  

Notes - Crawford moves to CFRB in January. Forbes left in January, replaced by Williamson from PMD, then Fedoruk took over AMD & Williamson back to PMD, Bill Hayes filled-in PMD, Humble Howard Glassman joined AMD (with Fedoruk) from CFNY. Alexander left in June. Woloshyn to CFRB in September. Terri Michael left. Lisa Brandt joins for Evenings. Marshall to middays. CKFM became "Mix 99 9" with a hot AC format on September 2.
0600 - Howard Glassman & Larry Fedoruk
1000 - Bill Hayes
0300 - Dan Williamson
0700 - Entertainment Toronto - Maureen Holloway
0730 - Lisa Brandt
1200 - Matt Storey

Weekends - Paul Wright, Lee Marshall, Keith 
Elshaw, Jim Reid

Traffic - Maureen Holloway, Cathy McCutcheon, 
Julie James
News - Mike Stafford, Debra Hurst, Avery Haines, 
Karen Parsons, John Crawford, Erik Thomas (Sports), Maureen Holloway (Entertainment), Brian Costello (Commentary)

Notes - Glassman returned to CFNY in July, replaced in AMD by Tom Rivers from CFTR. Donnie Burns joined in August. Marshall moved to 10-1, Hayes to 1-3.
0500 - Tom Rivers & Larry Fedoruk
0900 - Lee Marshall
1200 - Bill Hayes
0300 - Dan Williamson
0700 - Entertainment Toronto - Maureen Holloway
0730 - Lisa Brandt
1100 - Nightside
1200 - Julie James / Jim Reid

Weekends - Matt Storey, Kris James, Paul Wright
News - Deborah Hearst, Mike Stafford, Avery Haines, Karen Parsons, John Crawford, Larry Fedoruk (Sports)

Traffic - Carla Collins, Julie James, Cathy McCutcheon

Notes - Kris James joins from CFTR in the summer. August: Rivers left for CJEZ, replaced by Mike Stafford, Fedoruk & Collins. Stafford also works at CFRB. Shelley Wright noted in Evenings in September. Early in the year, John Majhor is doing some on-air work for CKFM and CFRB. Former CKFM personality Terry Steele (James Stromberg) died August 13, 1993 at age 46.
0500 - Larry Fedoruk & Carla Collins
0900 - Lee Marshall
1200 - Bill Hayes
0300 - Dan Williamson & Lisa Brandt
0630 - Entertainment Toronto - Maureen Holloway
0700 - Shelley Wright / Bob Callahan

Weekends/Others - Jim Reid, Matt Storey, Julie 
James, Ann Marie Sweeney, Trevor Biggs, Bob 
News - Deborah Hurst, Maureen Holloway (Traffic &- Entertainment)

Notes -
 November: Rob Christie & Audie Linds take over AM Drive. Former CKFM personality Jay Nelson (Frank Coxe) died February 18. He was 57.
AM Drive - Rob Christie, Bartman, Maureen Holloway
0900 - Bill Hayes
PMD - Dan Williamson
0700 - Bob Callahan
1200 - Mike Brown

Weekends - Larry Maxwell, Julie James, Lee 
Marshall, Beamer Biggs, Elwood Blues, The 
News - Deborah Hurst, Bruce Barker (Sports)

Traffic - Guy Valentine, Maryanne, Maureen Holloway (also Entertainment)

 - Katfish Morgan noted in PMD in August, Williamson in MID. 
0530 - Rob Christie & Maureen Holloway
0900 - Buzz Reynolds
1200 - Julie James
0300 - Katfish Morgan
0700 - Punch Andrews
1200 - Kit Calico / Larry Maxwell / Samantha 

Weekends - Lee Marshall, Bob Callahan
Others  - Guy Valentine (Traffic), Maureen Holloway (Traffic & Entertainment), Bruce Barker (Sports)

Notes - Callahan was in middays. Kit Calico aka K.C.
0530 - Rob Christie, Maureen Holloway, & Bruce Barker
0900 - Buzz Reynolds
1200 - Julie James
0300 - Katfish Morgan
0700 - Punch Andrews
1200 - Bob Callahan / Kit Calico / Samantha Stevens

Weekends - Larry Maxwell, Mark Champane
News - Dina Cummins, CFRB News, Bruce Barker (Sports)

Traffic - Maureen Holloway, Guy Valentine, Donna Saker
0530 - Rob Christie, Donna Saker, & Bruce Barker
0900 - Julie James
1200 - Buzz Reynolds
0300 - Katfish Morgan
0700 - Punch Andrews
Overnight / Weekends - Matt O'Neil / Sarah Spencer
 / Larry Maxwell / Schmilson Wilson / MarkChampane
News - Deana Cummins, CFRB, Bruce Barker (Sports)

Traffic - Donna Saker, Guy Valentine

Entertainment - Matt Lozon, Maureen Holloway

Notes - Later in the year, Trapper Briggs took over Noon-3, Reynolds moved to 3-7, O'Neil to 7-midnight.
0530 - Matt O'Neill, Donna Saker, Schmilson 
Wilson, Alana Guest & Daring Darryl
0900 - Julie James
1200 - Griff Henderson
0300 - Buzz Reynolds & Nat Hunter
0700 - Sarah Spencer / R. J. McKay
1200 - Hamish Denton / Sarah Spencer
Notes - Rob Christie left AMD in December, replaced by O'Neill and gang.
0530 - Matt O'Neill, Donna Saker, Schmilson Wilson
0900 - Julie James
1200 - Griff Henderson
0300 - Buzz Reynolds & Nat Hunter
0700 -
1200 -
0530 - Matt O’Neill, Donna Saker, Schmilson 
Wilson, Alana Guest & Daring Darryl
0900 - Julie James
1200 - Griff Henderson
0300 - Buzz Reynolds with Nat Hunter
0700 - The Woodman
1200 - Lisa Griffin / Hamish Denton
Others - Troy McCallum (Weekends), Guy Valentine (Traffic)

Notes - Gene Taylor who used to appear on Don Daynard’s morning show with a trivia segment, passed away January 6 in Michigan. He was 53.