#1303 |
Talent: J.P.
Station: WGRF
Buffalo, New York
Date: July 4,
Time: 46:30 (unscoped)
11:12 (scoped)
(The 97 Rock jocks in September 1988)
It was an amazing feat.
In September 1988, Buffalo's 97 Rock returned to the airwaves after a three-year absence. The station had dropped 97 Rock's classic rock format in 1985 for a light music approach as WRLT ("Turn on The Light.") It wasn't popular, and 97 Rock returned.
But that's not the amazing part. What's truly amazing is that 97 Rock got many of their former jocks to return, including morning man Larry "Snortin'" Norton, Carl Russo, Slick Tom Tiberi and Anita West.
J.P. (John Piccillo) was at rival Buffalo station WPHD while this going on. He arrived at 97 Rock in 1995 and enjoyed a stellar career of nearly three decades there, mostly in middays. Piccillo, whose other Buffalo radio stops include WYSL and WBYR (The Bear), has also been heard on Buddy Shula's WECK with "Breakfast With The Beatles".
Enjoy J.P. on 97 Rock (UNSCOPED) here.
97 Rock
(SCOPED) here.
(The Bill Dulmage Collection)
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